3 clever content strategies to attract top talent BEFORE you start recruiting

Author: Crystal Clarity, COO If you’re like many tech company founders these days, there’s a good chance you hit the pause button on hiring in recent months. Yet, despite the ongoing cooling in the job market, we’re also seeing fewer talent looking for jobs.  According to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the […]

How PR strategies translate to business wins

4 essential truths for startup leaders Author: Crystal Clarity, s2s Public Relations COO “What PR approach will drive the greatest value for your startup?” It’s an important question to ask, especially when those asking lead lean startups with limited resources.  Let’s start by defining public relations: PR is all about building and maintaining awareness and […]

Client Success: 8 of Our Favorite Media Moments in 2022 [Pt. 1]

From healthcare and the life sciences to cleantech and edtech, the clients we serve at s2s are building solutions with massive impact potential—and strategic storytelling plays a major part in business growth. It’s our job to get the recipe for impact right: from timing, to audiences, to the greater implications for our world. It’s especially […]

Inside the Post-Pandemic Newsroom: 4 Themes for the Future of Media

Author: Jessica McNellis, Media Relations Manager The state of journalism has been a quickly evolving conversation for the last two decades, even more so over the last two years. As news became more accessible online with the rise of digital media, we started to witness a steady decline in paid subscribers and readership for daily papers that continue to fight for paid […]

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The Pitch

PR tips for startup leaders to fuel growth & get noticed